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wedding collections in light blue

I can not say thank you enough to everyone who responded to my last post with advice, called me, messaged or texted me. Seriously, I felt pretty special today. I am sorry I haven't gotten a chance to respond to everyone. On top of my issue, I had to rush my cat Pete into the vet today. He should pull through, but we have found out he has a condition {a tendency for his uretha to become blocked with crystals) that killed our cat Milo many years ago. He has been sedated and the ... y are flushing out the blockage. We will have to change his diet and monitor him closely for more blockages.

As for me, I made it into a Chiro today. I got in to a Chiro today last minute due to a cancellation. I think he has hit the nail on the head. Once he really had me describe where the pain was at and show it to him, it was actually my tail bone area that hurt. According to him, I have fractured my Coccyx, known as the tailbone. News to me, but the tail bone is made up of 3 to 5 bony segments held in place by ligaments. He said something to the effect that these bones rotate together in a fluid motion as you bend down, get up, sit down..mine are not and just pushing/hitting against each other. His description and what I found online is dead on. He said it was one of the worst he has seen though, uhgg. I have had a kidney stone and had a child and the pain today rivaled that. wedding collections in light blue

He did several adjustments and then placed these things on my tailbone area that pulsated and worked the muscles. He repeated the same adjustments and I go back on Thursday. It is definitely better tonight, I am still not ready to shoot a wedding Saturday though. My hope is that after the adjustment Thursday..we will be on track.

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