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long sleeved evening party wears

Tell Me

Good morning ma'am,
I see you wish I could say good night,
For you slept not when the night fell,
Tell me,where were you when your children cried last night,
When they drowned in a pond of tears upon the pillows,
What pillows? What am I talking about?
They don't even have a bed,
To mention much,they have a wall with no roof,
I passed by and saw them crying,
I saw them through that window frame with no pane,
It was 20:00 and that little girl,
Your four year old daughter crying,
Her soft soft drowning in hunger,
Good morning ma'am, where were you last night?
When that man stopped by your house and took your sixteen year old girl away without making supper? long sleeved evening party wears
A supper of dust and spider webs,
For your closet is now a valley of cockroaches,
Excuse me for not minding my tuck shop,
But your children need you,
They need your love more than that bottle of alcohol,
Good morning ma'am, would you take this bread,
Not for you but for that young boy's tummy,
And would you please sleep near your little daughter tonight,
For it's been Long since she felt the touch of your hand.
Good morning ma'am, could you say good night to your children tonight,
For they miss you wishing them sweet dreams.