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extra sized ball styled items to wear of the wedding

I was attacked by my own car. OK, to be clear, it really wasn't the car's fault.

The "incident" involved 3 largish boxes purchased at a quite a discount at London Drugs. Instead of resting them on the hood of the car and then placing them one by one into the vehicle after I opened the door - I thought I'd save myself some time and just hold on to them while opening the car door. extra sized ball styled items to wear of the wedding

Well - the next thing I know - the boxes are on the ground and my glasses are falling off. I ... opened the car door and in my effort to stop the boxes from falling on the ground, I hit my face with the edge of the car door.

The end result was a whacking great bump on my left eyebrow and dandy welt on my cheekbone. I didn't know this until I showed up at the eye doctor and told my story to the optician who proceeded to point out that it was quite obvious what I did.

6 hours later - I have a headache and what looks like a great black eye shaping up. Car - 1. Karen's face - 0.

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