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black cocktail party wears with lace

Some of it is justified. I certainly admit to that. However, in my 59 years (and not being overly ugly I am told) I would like to point out that the amount of Women who have come on to me, I probably would not need both hands to count with fingers on. This is a job left up to Men.

Not sticking up for these Goons who demand Sex for advancement, or the ones who rape, but I am stating this fact as a fact, and I think sometimes it goes a bit too far.

I am not going to make an issue out of ONE person, but I would like to say that many of these Men who are being accused are of the "Wealthy Kind", and they generally would have a hard time (sometimes) walking out in Public without constant harassment.

As well, I would like to point out, that the FACT that they are wealthy also means (in many cases) that they work a lot. Very little (if any) leisure time. If they are to meet Women, or Proposition Women (which still seems to be a Mans job, then it quite often may be at the workplace, where this happens.

While Women (in Western Cultures) seem to go out of their way to look beautiful, or in fact "sexy", and spend lavish amounts of money on wardrobe, makeup, hairstyles etc, they obviously are not obtuse to wanting the attention of Men. You must give me at least that.

Now I personally no longer wish to be "in the game". I have found that throughout my lifetime, Women seem to be drawn to money as a #1 attraction towards Men. I have absolutely no reservations in my belief that many of these Women would not be with these Men, if it were not for the money. They generally can be known to leave, should the Man have massive financial losses, and they certainly are (often) out on the look-out for the Other Men who might find them attractive, with more money to offer them.

Nice game, and totally one-sided. I feel sorry for the Guys who buy them lavish vehicles, houses, clothing etc. Just to have a Wife? A family? For what? The average Marriage in North America today does not last much longer than (if it lasts that long) a decade! Then, the loser is generally the Man. If he was actually in Love, then I feel sorry for him, as often SHE did not love at all. She was only interested in the money clip. Often she ends up with a pretty fair take away, when leaving a Marriage, although this is not ALWAYS the case, for the attractive Women, I would say it is normally the case.

So, I personally do not see the point anymore. Men have been the same creature since time began. Women changed especially in my lifetime. From being home-makers and family raisers and dependent on a Man, to being independent. You can call this good, and I really cannot dispute this much, if you were to make that case. Yet it more than often leaves the Man holding the bag.

Men have no rights. An accusation of violence (without even evidence) can get a Man easily thrown in Jail. Women can change their names and move, taking the Children and hiding them from their Father, and Men are treated as second class citizens. The hands of the clock have turned too far, in many cases.

It is complicated, but my point is here, that I think this is a losing game for Women, as it is not only ME refusing to play the game anymore. Many Men are in the same boat. Sick and tired of the losses the incur.

Yet for the Men, who still have that "Sex Drive" that requires a Women, and for those interested in Children, a family, etc, they are faced with what can they say? Is calling a Woman Pretty a crime? Don't laugh, as in Ontario right now, the usual "Cat Call Whistle" is outlawed and deemed as "Sexual Harassment". Just at a time when it seems that Women have ALL the cards to play in Ontario, not needing any evidence for a accusation of assault, never getting prosecuted for making the false accusation, Men faced with well over a YEAR in Jail, should they wish to fight bullshit charges, with no evidence, here comes "He whistled at me"! black cocktail party wears with lace

I shake my head, and I withdraw, I withdraw, I withdraw, and more and more determined to get a Dog, should I want companionship and love than I have ever been! I look at the Men who have not withdrawn yet and laugh, as I exclaim "What, have not been to Jail Yet? Too lazy to master-bate?"

I think the road you are on Ladies, although you may have (what you feel as) JUST CAUSES, may be more damaging to you in the end, and for all Women in some cases. While the sex drive might always be there for Men, a future Robot might be a better solution.